this is one of those 'web presences'
i'm Amanda Kann
MA in typology and linguistic diversity
currently a PhD candidate in computational linguistics at the Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University, working on informing large language models with linguistic typology
also organizing Lingolympiaden, the Swedish olympiad of linguistics
previously at Språkstudion, Stockholm University,
working on multilingual initiatives and
organizing the Language Café project online and on campus
- Kann, A. (2022). ‘For the fifty-eleventh time’: Examining cross-linguistic properties of hyperbolic numerals and quasi-numeral expressions through parallel text extraction (Dissertation).
Fulltext (open access)
- Kann, A. (2019). Numeral-dependent word order of cardinal numbers (Dissertation).
Fulltext (open access)
conference papers:
- Kann, A. (2022) Voice Assistants Have A Plurilingualism Problem. Presented at CUI 2022 - 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI '22) in Glasgow, Scotland on July 28th, 2022.
Fulltext (open access) || 5-minute video summary
posters and presentations
- Amanda Kann, Ljuba Veselinova and Robert Östling (2022). Cross-linguistic properties of hyperbolic numeral and quasi-numeral expressions. Presented at The 14th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT 14) in Austin, Texas, USA on December 15th, 2022.
Presentation slides
- Amanda Kann and Christine Ericsdotter Nordgren (2022). Local and global perspectives on language cafes – a 10-year perspective from start-up to post-covid. Presented at CercleS 2022 in Porto, Portugal on September 17th, 2022.
Presentation slides
- Amanda Kann, Pétur Helgason and Carla Wikse Barrow (2020). Till och med en experimentell labbkurs kan digitaliseras – distansanpassning av en ”omöjlig” kurs. Presented at Stockholms universitets Lärarkonferens2020 online on November 19th, 2020.
Presentation slides
- massively multilingual corpus linguistics
- typological perspectives on NLP
- quantitative analysis of language change
- queer sociolinguistics
- AI for linguistic creativity
- multilingual human-computer interaction
- course, syllabus, and assessment design in higher ed
- see above
- classical music (hey it's my orchestra)
- language learning (intermediate in French and Japanese, currently studying German Sign Language, German, Estonian and Aymara)
get in touch